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Welcome to my YouTube channel where I will be sharing all the sightings that I have as a field/trails guide in the Kruger National Park and surroundings.

The beauty of Africa in video

The beauty of Africa in video
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Pets & Animals
Leopard on an impala kill😱
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Leopard on an impala kill😱

Feeding elephant herd gets unexpected visitors🐘🦏
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Feeding elephant herd gets unexpected visitors🐘🦏

Lush and green🌿 #recap6
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Lush and green🌿 #recap6

Green bush and lots of great sightings🍀 #recap5
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Green bush and lots of great sightings🍀 #recap5

2024 by Jordi Woerts

KvK: 73312010

BTW: NL002308892B64

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